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Restrictions on use of company name in British Columbia

A person must not use in British Columbia any name of which “limited”, “limitée”, “incorporated”, “incorporée” or “corporation”, or any abbreviation of them is a part unless (a) the person is a corporation entitled or required to use the words, or (b) in the case of “limited” or “limitée”, the person is (i) a limited […]

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Form of name of a British Columbia company

Subject to section 51.21 (1) of the British Columbia Business Corporation Act, a company must have the word “Limited”, “Limitée”, “Incorporated”, “Incorporée” or “Corporation” or the abbreviation “Ltd.”, “Ltée”, “Inc.” or “Corp.” as part of and at the end of its name. For all purposes, each of the words “Limited”, “Limitée”, “Incorporated”, “Incorporée” and “Corporation” […]

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British Columbia Corporate Names

A British Columbia company recognized under the British Columbia Corporations Act has as its name, on its recognition, (a) the name shown for the company on the application filed to effect the recognition of the company if (i) that name has been reserved for the company, and (ii) that reservation remains in effect at the […]

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A British Columbia is incorporated

A company is incorporated in British Columbia: (a) on the date and time that the incorporation application applicable to it is filed with the British Columbia registries office, or (b) subject to sections 14 and 410, of the British Columbia Business Corporation Act if the incorporation application specifies a date, or a date and time, […]

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British Columbia Articles of Incorporation

To incorporate a company in BC, the Business Corporations Act states that one or more persons may form a company by entering into an incorporation agreement, establishing articles for the company which sets out its rules for conduct and by electronically filing with the Corporate Registry an Incorporation Application. A company must have articles that […]

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Formation of a new company in British Columbia

One or more persons may form a new company in the province of British Columbia by (a) entering into an incorporation agreement, (b) filing with the registrar an incorporation application, and (c) complying with the British Columbia Business Corporation Act. British Columbia Incorporation Agreement To incorporate a company in BC, the Business Corporations Act states […]

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Can our extra-provincial corporation operate under its current corporate/business name in Ontario?

Yes, unless that corporate and/or business name is already used by a corporation carrying on a similar business in Ontario and using your corporate or business name would be “likely to deceive”. To satisfy this condition, corporations will need to do a name search (called NUANS). If your corporation’s business name is different from your […]

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What are some advantages and disadvantages to setting up a new corporation in Ontario versus extra-provincial registration of an existing corporation?

One major advantage of setting up a new corporation in Ontario is that it can help shield other parts of your existing business from claims relating to doing business in Ontario. However, if a corporation only intends to do limited business in Ontario (or intends to complete any business within a few years), then it […]

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Will our corporation need to obtain an extra-provincial licence if it is only conducting a single transaction in Ontario?

A single transaction in Ontario may constitute “carrying on business”. If it does, then the non-Ontario corporation involved will need an extra-provincial licence and/or may be required to file information with the Government of Ontario before the transaction begins. If your corporation is considering doing any business in Ontario, then please speak with us before […]

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Our corporation wants to start doing business in Ontario. When is extra-provincial registration required?

An active corporation that was incorporated (or continued) under the laws of any jurisdiction outside of Canada must obtain an extra-provincial licence to operate in Ontario. This extra-provincial licence must be obtained before the corporation carries on business in Ontario. “Carrying on business” is defined very broadly to cover most business/commercial activities. It includes, but […]

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