British Columbia Technology Industry

British Columbia, Canada, with a reputation for technology innovation, oàers a range of investment opportunities. If you want to do business with leading-edge companies in a thriving technology or media sector, explore the advantages British Columbia oàers.


Information and communications (ICT), clean tech, digital media, and life sciences are well-established industries in British Columbia. Prominent global companies have built a history here, and new ones open for business every year.

The advantages are clear: British Columbia’s flexible, educated and rapidly expanding workforce of more than 1 14,000 is well represented by young, diverse and energetic talent. World-class educational institutions, entrepreneurial and regional networks, technology acceleration and commercialization programs and regional industry clusters combine to support both established and emerging companies. And British Columbia’s attractive natural environment and culturally diverse population are a magnet for mobile, high-tech talent. These benefits, coupled with a highly developed research infrastructure, competitive business costs, a supportive government and close ties to both the United States and Asia, make British Columbia the ideal place to successfully invest, partner and grow.


Number of companies         10,200

Revenue                              $28.9 billion

Workforce                            114,000

British Columbia Incorporation Service in 24 Hours

Business Corporations are incorporated in British Columbia, according to the provisions of the British Columbia Business Corporation Act with the British Columbia Corporations Division. Company Formations Canada provides fast and easy British Columbia Incorporation Service and provides all the documents your new British Columbia corporation will need to stay up-to-date and in compliance with the British Columbia Business Corporation Act.

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