Where can I register a business name and obtain a Master Business Licence?

Ontario.ca provides access to the government’s electronic services that simplify and streamline registration, renewal and reporting processes for Ontario businesses. New entrepreneurs and existing corporations can electronically complete the most important applications to register their business at one location, including applications for Business Name Registration, Retail Sales Tax Vendor Permit, Employer Health Tax and Workplace Safety and Insurance Board. When registering via Business Registration Online (a partnership between Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and some provincial governments including Ontario), you may apply for the above programs as well as for a Federal Business Number (BN) and other CRA programs.

Business names can be searched and registered through the following channels:

Business name registration
Public computers located at ServiceOntario service locations across the province
Business Registration Online at CompanyFormations.ca website
By mail: ServiceOntario, P.O. Box 1028 Station B, Toronto ON M5T 3H3

Ontario Business Name Registration in 1 Hour $39.99

Company Formations simplifies to the maximum the task of registering a new sole proprietorship business name in Ontario, by offering an easy online sole proprietorship registration service. Register today your new business name in Ontario.
