Canada Business Startup Package

Canada Business Startup Package

Company Formations offer Canadian residents, Non-Canadian residents and foreign corporations wishing to operate in Canada a complete business Startup Package.

Our Canada Business Presence Package includes:

Registration of a new company in Canada
Canada Business Address for the new company x 1 year
Canada Registered Agent service for 1 year
Canada Business Phone Number
5 Page Canada Website
Canada domain registration x 1 year
Canada hosting x 1 year
Facebook Business Page
Google My Business Page
Twitter Account

Company Registration (Incorporation)

Incorporating your business may lead to lower taxes depending on your particular situation and on the province in which you operate. Once the business generates more income than you need for your living expenses, incorporating can save you money.

You can incorporate either federally or provincially — which one you choose depends mainly on whether or not you intend to do business in more than one province. If you incorporate provincially, you may have to register and file additional paperwork before you can do business in another province.

Canada Business Address

Any business registered in Canada must have a registered address in the province of registration. As a part of our Canada Startup Package, we will provide your new Canada corporation with a business registered address and all services related to business registered address, including notification and mail forwarding.

Canada Business Registered Agent

A registered agent, such as Company Formations, acts as a registered address of the corporation in the province or other jurisdiction of incorporation.

The registered agent provides a registered address for the receipt of service of government filings (and in certain cases legal papers) and acts as a local contact for government agencies. The registered agent forwards any such documents and correspondence to the corporation. Corporations often use a professional registered agent to maintain crucial documents sent from government departments or other agencies separate from other corporate correspondence. Company Formations can provide registered agent services in all Canadian provinces.

This package also includes:

Canada Virtual Business Phone Number x 1 Year
5 Page Canada Website
Canada domain registration x 1 year
Canada hosting x 1 year
Facebook Business Page
Google My Business Page
Twitter Account


$2.500 Canadian

For more information about our Canada Business Startup Package please use the form below

Comments or questions are welcome.

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