Canada Foreign Incorporation Service

Canada Foreign Incorporation Service

Canada Foreign Company Incorporation Service USD $1970 (All-Inclusive). Register NOW Online a New foreign corporation in Canada according to the provisions of Canada Provincial Business Corporation Law. Company Formations provides a fast and easy Canada Foreign incorporation service and provides all the documents your new Canadian corporation will need to stay up-to-date and in compliance with your province of Registration Business Corporation Act.

We Offer:

A professional and reliable service
Low Canada incorporation and maintenance fees with no hidden charges. For what our services include, our prices can’t be matched.
A reliable partner and all-times free online consultation and advice

Which Foreign corporations must register?

Every Foreign corporation must register under the Business Corporations Act within (30) days after it begins to carry on business in Canada.

What constitutes carrying on business in Canada?

According to the Business Corporations Act, a Foreign corporation carries on business in Canada if:

its name, or any name under which it carries on business, is listed in a telephone directory for any part of Canada;
its name, or any name under which it carries on business, appears or is announced in any advertisement in which an address in Canada is given for the Foreign corporation;
it has a resident agent or representative or a warehouse, office, or place of business in Canada;
it solicits business in Canada;
it is licensed or registered or required to be licensed or registered, under any Act of Canada entitling it to do business;
It is in respect of a public vehicle as defined in the Motor Transport Act, the holder of a certificate of registration under the Motor Vehicle Administration Act unless it neither picks up or nor delivers goods or passengers in Canada;
it is the holder of a certificate issued by the Canada Motor Transport Board unless it neither picks up or delivers goods or passengers in Canada, or it otherwise carries on business in Canada.