Canada GST/HST for goods imported into Canada

The Gst/HST is generally payable on the duty-paid value of goods imported into Canada. the duty-paid value is the value for duty determined for customs purposes plus any customs duties and excise duties and taxes. tHSThst payable on imported non-commercial goods is collected by the Canada border services Agency (“CBSA”) at the same time customs duties are collected. Non-commercial goods are goods other than those imported for sale or for any commercial, industrial, occupational or institutional use. the CbsA collects only the 5% Gst on imported commercial goods. Gst/HST also applies to services and intangible property, such as intellectual property rights, imported into Canada.

Gst/HST is not imposed, however, on these supplies when imported by registrants for use in a “commercial activity”. Where the imported service or intangible property is for use other than in a commercial activity (for example, in providing an exempt supply such as domestic financial services), the Gst/HST applies on a self-assessment basis.

Canada GST/HST Registration

Canada GST/HST Registration. Register your business now with Canada Revenue Agency and obtain your Canada Business Number easily over the Internet. Company Formations simplifies to the maximum the task of registering your new business for the GST “Goods and Services Tax” in Canada, by offering an easy online GST registration service in three easy steps. Register your business in Canada for the GST/HST. Register today your business for the GST/HST

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