Canadian Partnerships distinguished from other forms of joint ventures

While the Income Tax Act of Canada provides specific rules governing the manner in which a partnership is taxed, there are no rules that apply specifically to joint ventures. The terms“syndicate” and “association” are also sometimes used to describe a form of a joint venture that is not a partnership. Generally, the CRA’s position (supported by case law) is that a joint venture may be a partnership in some instances, but a joint venture may also exist as a form of business association distinct from a partnership. A joint venture is more likely to be found not to constitute a partnership if it is formed for a limited term or for a single undertaking and if the parties agree to share gross revenue and expenses rather than to share profits.

We Register Canada Limited partnerships in 24 Hours

Company Formations offers Canada Limited Partnership Registration to Canadian residents and non-Canadian residents. Our Canada Limited Partnership registration service for Only $2200 (all inclusive) Includes:

Name Search confirming the uniqueness of the name
Government registration fee
Registered office address for one year
Declaration Form 3 confirming registration of the Limited Partnership
Organizational Resolutions of the General Partners
Resolution Admitting of Limited Partner
Partnership Agreement
Register of General Partners
Register of Limited Partners

Request more information about our Canada LP Registration in 24 Hours 
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Shared from:  Bulletin for International Taxation

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