Formation of limited partnerships in Alberta

Subject to subsection (2) of the Alberta Partnership Act, a limited partnership is formed when a certificate substantially complying with subsection (3) is filed with and recorded by the Registrar.

A certificate shall be signed by all the persons desiring to form a limited partnership and shall state

(a) the firm name under which the limited partnership is to be conducted,
(b) the character of the business,
(c) the name and street address or postal address of each partner, general and limited partners being respectively designated,
(d) the term for which the limited partnership is to exist,
(e) the amount of cash and the nature and fair value of other property, if any, contributed by each limited partner,
(f) the amount of additional contributions, if any, agreed to be made by each limited partner and the times at which or events on the happening of which an additional contribution is to be made,
(g) the time, if agreed on, when the contribution of each limited partner is to be returned,
(h) the share of the profits or other compensation by way of income that each limited partner is entitled to by reason of that partner’s contribution,
(i) the right, if given, of a limited partner to substitute an assignee as contributor in that partner’s place, and the terms and conditions of the substitution,
(j) the right, if given, of the partners to admit additional limited partners,
(k) the right, if given, of one or more of the limited partners to priority over other limited partners, to a return of contributions or to compensation by way of income, and the nature of the priority,
(l) the right, if given, of the remaining general partner or partners to continue the business on the death, retirement or mental incompetence of a general partner, and
(m) the right, if given, of a limited partner to demand and receive property other than cash in return for that partner’s contribution.

We Register Canada Limited partnerships in 24 Hours

Company Formations offers Canada Limited Partnership Registration to Canadian residents and non-Canadian residents. Our Canada Limited Partnership registration service for Only $2200 (all inclusive) Includes:

Name Search confirming the uniqueness of the name
Government registration fee
Registered office address for one year
Declaration Form 3 confirming registration of the Limited Partnership
Organizational Resolutions of the General Partners
Resolution Admitting of Limited Partner
Partnership Agreement
Register of General Partners
Register of Limited Partners

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