Maintaining a Minute Book for a Company

After the initial “organization of the company” there may be circumstances where there may have to be changed to the structure. Some of the circumstances where changes may occur are:

A new by-law may need to be enacted such as a by-law to vary the borrowing rights of the company
New investors may be needed to move the company forward and those investors may wish to hold shares in the company
A director may resign and a replacement may need to be elected or new directors may be brought on because a new shareholder wants to be a director as well
The company may wish to enter into a major transaction and the directors may need to approve the form of agreement respecting same
A shareholder may wish to leave the company and will want to transfer his shares back to treasury or transfer the shares to the other shareholders on a prorated basis
The company may wish to conduct business in other jurisdictions in Canada or countries outside of Canada and those governments may request the directors to approve the registration.

Why does my corporation need a minute book?

In the hustle and bustle of running your business, record keeping often falls by the wayside. Most small business owners put corporate record keeping somewhere below “eating gravel” on their to-do list. The corporation’s minute book is often never even created in the first place, let alone kept up to date, even though the consequences of failing to maintain one can be severe, and incredibly expensive.

Whether you incorporated federally, or provincially, you must prepare and maintain up-to-date corporate records.

Failing to keep your federal or provincial Corporation in good standing, your corporation could be found guilty of an offense under corporate law, and liable to a fine of up to $25,000.

We provide a personalized company minute books in MS Word and PDF format that includes:

Organizational Resolutions
Register of Directors
Resignation of Director Form
Appointment of Corporate Officers
Resignation of Officer Form
Subscription of Shares
Share Certificate
Register of Shareholders
Consent and waiver for allotment of shares
Directors’ resolutions approving the allotment of shares
Consent and waiver for transfer of shares.
Shares Transfer Form
Directors’ Resolutions Approving Transfer of Shares
Notice of Organizational Meeting of Incorporators and Directors
Waiver of Notice of Meeting of Incorporators and Directors
Minutes of Organizational Meeting of Board of Directors
Waiver of Notice First Meeting of Shareholders
Minutes First Meeting of Shareholders
Notice to Directors of Regular Board Meeting
Minutes Shareholders Annual Meeting
Minutes Regular Board Meeting

For more information or to order today your new company minute book, please visit our website at: