Why do I need a minute book?

A Company Minute Book does not have a fancy name or a romantic description, but it is the most important part of record maintenance that any corporation must have. The minute book is a record that includes important information about the corporation including, but not limited to: Articles of Incorporations, by-laws, minutes of meetings, names and addresses of all shareholders, government filings, legal documents, significant transactions, and account records.

Basically, any significant information about the corporation should be included in the minute book. So, is it necessary for all corporations to maintain a minute book? The answer is a clear ‘Yes’

The company minute book is the “book” which holds the key corporate documents together. These documents include the articles of incorporation, by-laws, minutes of meetings, written resolutions, various ledgers/registers and the actually issued share

It is essential to keep a history of all important decisions that are made in the company and to demonstrate that the company is acting as a corporation. Also, your corporation must keep certain corporate records at its registered office (or at some other location in Canada, as set out by the directors). These records are kept it and organized in a Minute Book.

There are at least three (3) good reasons to maintain your company’s minute books.

Firstly, it’s the law.

The governing Canadian corporate statutes do impose legal obligations to maintain minute books in the manner described above. Although rare, statutory penalties may be assessed for failure to attend to these matters.

Secondly, various third parties may want or need to examine your corporate minute books

Various third parties may want or need to examine your corporate minute books from time to time including your accountants, bankers or Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (“CCRA”) or other federal/provincial taxation authorities.

Thirdly, if you ever sell your business, the purchaser may want legal opinions relating to various corporate matters so having up-to-date minute books will make the entire selling process easier (and likely less expensive).

Company Formations provides fast & easy Canada Company Minute Books for Only $39.99

What kind of minute book services we provide

We provide a personalized company minute book in Ms and PDF format that includes:

Organizational Resolutions
Register of Directors
Resignation of Director Form
Appointment of Corporate Officers
Resignation of Officer Form
Subscription of Shares
Share Certificate
Register of Shareholders
Consent and waiver for allotment of shares
Directors’ resolutions approving the allotment of shares
Consent and waiver for transfer of shares.
Shares Transfer Form
Directors’ Resolutions Approving Transfer of Shares
Notice of Organizational Meeting of Incorporators and Directors
Waiver of Notice of Meeting of Incorporators and Directors
Minutes of Organizational Meeting of Board of Directors
Waiver of Notice First Meeting of Shareholders
Minutes First Meeting of Shareholders
Notice to Directors of Regular Board Meeting
Minutes Shareholders Annual Meeting
Minutes Regular Board Meeting

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