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Incorporation under the Nova Scotia Business Companies Act

Unlike the other Canadian provinces, the Companies Act (Nova Scotia) is based on English law. As a result, there are some significant differences from the other provinces and Nova Scotia in corporate documentation and terminology, but far fewer differences in legal effect. A name search is required prior to incorporation as well as approval from […]

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Who needs an attorney for service

A foreign corporation seeking to register in Canada or a domestic Canadian corporation seeking to register in another province as an extra-provincial corporation must designate a person resident in that province to accept service of legal documents. Service on the agent amounts to service of the document in question on the corporation. An Attorney for […]

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What is an Attorney for Service

An Attorney for Service is an individual appointed by an extra-provincial corporation to represent itself in the province of registration. The Attorney for Service does not need to be a Lawyer. This is just an individual within Canada that has been appointed by the extra-provincial corporation. What if I do not have an Attorney for […]

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Can You Set Up a Limited Liability Company (LLC) in Canada?

This is a common question as LLCs are popular types of incorporation in the U.S. and other countries such as the U.K. and Mexico, but Canada does not have an equivalent corporate structure. Can You Set Up a Limited Liability Company (LLC) in Canada? No, you cannot set up an LLC in Canada as this […]

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What are records and who has to keep them?

What are records? Records are organized accounting and financial documents that summarize your transactions and include the documents to support these transactions. These documents include: ledgers journals books charts tables financial statements statements of accounts income tax returns goods and services tax/harmonized sales tax (GST/HST) returns excise tax returns sales invoices purchase receipts vouchers contracts […]

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Keeping your Business Records

Records are all your accounting and other financial information documents. These documents must be kept organized. The type of information your records contain depends on your situation and other factors such as: your business type the format you use to keep your records (paper, electronic or a combination of the two) if you have converted […]

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Keeping your Business Expense Records

Always get receipts or other vouchers when you buy something for your business. The receipts have to show: ■ the date of the purchase; ■ the name and address of the seller or supplier; ■ the name and address of the buyer; ■ a full description of the goods or services; and ■ the vendor’s […]

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Keeping your Business Income Records

Keep track of the gross income your business earns. Gross income is your total income before you deduct any expenses, including those related to the goods sold. Your income records must include: ■ the date; ■ amount; and ■ source of the income. Record the income whether you received cash, property, or services. Support all […]

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Keeping Your Business Records

You are required by law to keep records of all your transactions to back up your income and expenses. If you do not keep the required information and do not have supporting documents or proof: ■ The Canada Revenue Agency may determine your income using other methods; and ■ The Canada Revenue Agency might not […]

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How to report your business income in Canada

You report your business income based on a fiscal period. A fiscal period is a period between the day your business starts its business year to the day it ends. For an existing business, the fiscal period is usually 12 months. A fiscal period cannot be longer than 12 months. In some cases, it can […]

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