Your idea, invention or product may need to be protected from being copied by others.
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Will your product or service be able to compete with those of existing businesses?
Once you find out who your customers are, you will need to look at who else is selling similar products and where they are selling them. Will you be competing with a product that has already been marketed? If your idea is a consumer product, check stores and catalogues or visit trade shows to find […]
Who is your customer?
Before you begin selling something, you need to know who you are selling to. If you haven’t determined who your target market is, you are likely to try to be all things to all people and end up with a product nobody likes or a service that doesn’t meet anyone’s needs. When developing a general […]
Will people be willing to pay for your product or service?
A great idea can only translate into a successful business if people are willing to pay for the product or service. First, you need to determine the target market for your offering. Are you planning to sell to young people or to seniors? Is your product primarily for women, men or both? Is it a […]
Is your idea truly original?
You will need to research your idea to see if it is truly original or whether someone else has commercialized it. Capturing a niche market — one that no one else is targeting — may be more profitable than competing with others who sell a similar product or service. A business expert or mentor can […]
Developing your business idea
If you decide to start a new business, you will need to spend some time developing your business idea. One of the greatest advantages of being an entrepreneur is being able to work on something that interests you and that you are passionate about. Unfortunately, passion does not always translate into profits. Research, research, research! […]
6 Powerful Hacks to Increase Mental Toughness
Being mentally strong is one of those personal attributes that everyone could benefit from possessing. Since we all encounter personal challenges and difficulties in our life, the ability to stay psychologically strong is invaluable. But is mental strength something we are just born to? Or can it be developed? Luckily, there are ways to enhance […]
21 Marketing Habits that are essential for small business success
Are you just getting started with a new business venture? Need some help in marketing your services to bring in more clients? A solid marketing strategy is essential for any new business, simply knowing how to provide your products or services isn’t enough to achieve success. Whether you gain new business by word of mouth, […]
What’s a business that can make millions?
There is an old saying that goes, “One can make a lot of money, if one wants to make a lot of money.” You must do three things to do what you want to do: 1.) Don’t follow your passion That’s right, I said DON’T. Passion-based businesses bring us bike shops, boutiques, bakeries and gimmicky […]
Work Smarter, Not Harder: 21 Time Management Tips to Hack Productivity
A lot of folks in our society try to be hyper-productive. You know — the people who scurry from task to task, always checking e-mail, organizing something, making a call, running an errand, etc. The people who do this often subscribe to the idea that “staying busy” means you’re working hard and are going to […]