Definition of Business Address in Ontario

Business Address in Ontario: The business address field is found on the Form 2, under the Business Names Act. It refers to the physical address of the business and therefore, a post office box is not an acceptable address. If the business address is not located in Ontario, the words “Not Applicable” can be entered in the “Business Address in Ontario” field on the paper form.

Company Formations offers Ontario Business Address services for domestic and foreign companies wishing to operate in Ontario Canada. When you use Company Formations Ontario Business Address Services, Company Formations act as a registered address of your corporation in Ontario, and provides your corporation with a business address for the receipt of service of government filings (and in certain cases legal papers) and acts as a local contact for government agencies.

Company Formations forwards any such documents and correspondence to the corporation address you provided during the registration. For more information about Ontario Registered Office service, please visit continue here.