Ontario Mining Industry

207,000 active mining claim units

Gain a long-term strategic advantage by doing business where your company can grow securely in a fair and transparent environment. Whether your company is involved in exploration or mining services and supplies, you’ll discover opportunities in Ontario.

Secure land tenure

Ontario’s Mining Act provides security of mining land tenure and fair and transparent mining law, allowing your company to plan long-term growth. In 2016, there were 207,000 active mining claim units in good standing in Ontario. Over the past decade, the annual number of claim units in good standing has remained above 200,000 in every year – underlining a strong desire of claimholders to retain their properties.

Vast mineral deposits present huge opportunities

With the largest mineral production in Canada, Ontario offers a wealth of opportunities for your company whether you’re a producer , supplier or service provider .

Is your company where the action is?

Ontario offers highly competitive business costs that can boost your company’s growth and profitability:

on a global level, Ontario ranks among the top ten regions for exploration spending and production of platinum group metals (PGMs) and nickel

in 2016, mining companies in Ontario spent $371 million on over 200 exploration projects ranging from prospecting to advanced exploration

Ontario produces more than $10 billion worth of mining supplies and services every year

we attract more exploration spending and produce more minerals by value than any other jurisdiction in Canada

Ontario mining sites

Over 200 mineral exploration projects are currently underway in Ontario. One very promising mineral development opportunity in Ontario is known as the Ring of Fire. Located in Ontario’s Far North, current estimates suggest multi-generational potential of chromite production and significant production of nickel, copper and platinum. In the Ring of Fire, work continues to advance at the Eagle’s Nest nickel-copper deposit.

Access global capital markets from the world’s mining finance capital

Toronto, Ontario is the mining finance capital of the world. Grow your business with access to global capital markets and the right industry connections.

How Ontario compares

The global mining industry gets business done in Ontario. That means that you’ll have access to markets and capital, whether you’re in mining finance or looking for capital to grow your business.

Approximately 1,200 mining companies were listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) and Toronto Venture Exchange (TSX-V) in 2016, including more than half of the public mining companies in the world.

Capital investment and development in Ontario’s mining industry has increased from $453 million in 2002 to 1.4 billion in 2016.

In 2016, approximately half of all new mining equity capital raised in the world came from the TSX and TSX-V .

A leading mining education cluster

The demand for skilled, well-trained workers affects every facet of the mining industry . Ontario’s highly skilled and educated workers will help fuel your company’s success.

Grow with the right talent

If you are looking for the right people, Ontario offers a deep talent pool for sourcing mining, energy and infrastructure industry personnel, including managerial and technical staff. You will find one of the best mining education clusters in the world to support your company’s growth.

Nineteen of Ontario’s 20 universities and 24 colleges have world-class mining, geology and engineering programs. In addition, Ontario’s mining industry is supported by an array of R&D institutes. Explore the map to see where our programs are located.

A record of safe mining operations

Our workforce also helps to ensure safe mining operations. Ontario is one of the safest  mining jurisdictions in the world and continues to improve both the lost time injury rate  and total medical injury rate.

Ontario’s 2016 lost time injury rate for mining was 0.5 per 200,000 employee hours while in 2015 it was 0.6.

Our 2016 total injury rate for mining was 3.8 per 200,000 employee hours while in 2015 it was 3.9.

Leverage government support

The Centre for Excellence in Mining Innovation(http://www.miningexcellence.ca/) invests in research to assist mining companies in the areas of exploration, deep mining, integrated mine engineering, the environment and sustainability .

The Ontario Geological Survey(http://www.geologyontario.mndm.gov .on.ca/) provides electronic geological, geophysical and geological maps and data. OGSEarth(http://www.mndm.gov .on.ca/en/mines-and-minerals/applications/ogsearth) allows you to view this data using geographic information programs such as Google Earth.

In 2015, the Northern Industrial Electricity Rate (NIER)(http://www.mndm.gov .on.ca/en/northern-development/businesssupport/northern-industrial-electricity-rate-program) Program was made permanent. The program will provide a continued investment of up to $120 million annually to support large industrial users in Northern Ontario, including several mining companies, reducing their electricity costs up to 25%.

The federal Mineral Exploration Tax Credit

(http://www.nrcan.gc.ca/minerals-metals/business-market/3995) program provides investors in the flow through shares of mineral exploration companies working in Canada a 15% tax credit. Ontario provides an additional 5% credit for companies exploring in the province. This program allows tax deductions for exploration to be passed on to investors. For the 2016 tax year , a $1,000 investment in flow through shares for exploration in Ontario could cost as little as $375 after federal and provincial deductions.

Ontario has updated its Mining Act(http://www.mndm.gov .on.ca/en/mines -and-minerals/mining-act)  to provide more clarity and certainty to the mineral industry while respecting the rights of Aboriginal communities and private landowners. As part of its ongoing Mining Act Modernization (MAM) process, the Ministry of Energy, Northern Development and Mines (MENDM) is moving to implement province-wide online claim staking and online mining claims management.

Priceless intelligence at a click

Ontario’s is ranked 26th in the world for the quality of its geological database by the Fraser Institute Annual Survey of Mining Companies, 2016.

The Ontario Geological Survey (OGS) provides a wealth of geoscience data through its Geology Ontario(http://www.ontario.ca/geology) and OGSEarth(http://www.ontario.ca/ogsearth) online applications.

Geology Ontario provides online user-friendly access to public geoscience data including 17,000 OGS geological reports and maps, as well as 80,000 exploration assessment files that are available online for discovery and downloading at no charge. OGSEarth provides geoscience data relating to mining claims, geology , index maps, administrative boundaries and abandoned mines that can be viewed using 3D mapping and viewing tools such as Google Earth(http://www.google.com/earth) or other applications that are compatible with Keyhole Markup Language (KML). All of the data provided by OGS Earth is available in KML format.

If you explore in Ontario, you’ll have access to a wide range of free, online mineral information that will help you find the best prospects.

OGS Earth can be accessed through:


Ontario’s Geoscience database Geology Ontario can be accessed here:


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