
Saskatchewan Mineral Exploration and Mining

Our Mining Industry

Saskatchewan mineral sales totalled $6.7 billion in 2017. Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) estimates that Saskatchewan accounted for 13% of national sales value, fourth highest in Canada.

The province is the largest potash producer in the world, accounting for approximately one-third of total production in 2017, and hosting over half of the globe’s potash reserves.Saskatchewan is also one of the world’s largest producers of uranium, with the Athabasca Basin containing the largest high-grade uranium deposits in the world. Saskatchewan is Canada’s third-largest producer of coal, producing an average of 10 million tonnes per year.

The province is also home to one of the world’s largest fields of diamond-bearing kimberlite.This discovery has led to extensive exploration and evaluation. Saskatchewan has large underexplored areas with high gold potential. The Seabee Operation produced 83,998 ounces of gold in 2017, a record annual production.

In addition, the province has deposits of copper, zinc, nickel, rare earth minerals and platinum group metals as well as various industrial minerals including sodium sulphate and salt.

Major Mining Companies Operating in Saskatchewan


 Mosaic Company

 BHP Billiton Canada Inc.

 K+S Potash Canada

 ORANO Canada


 Vale Limited

 Rio Tinto



Fast Facts

Total operating mines (2017): 21, including potash, uranium, gold, coal, sodium sulphate, salt and clay

 GDP (2017): Minerals and petroleum contribute 21% of  total provincial GDP

 Total mineral sales value (2017): $6.6 billion

 Value of potash sales (2017): 4.8 billion

 Exploration expenditures (2017): $170 million

Current Industry Activities

NRCan reports that Saskatchewan continued to lead all provinces in 2017, with intended capital investments in the mineral extraction sector, representing nearly 23% of national expenditures, second only to Ontario. More recently, focus has shifted towards ongoing operations. This, in part, reflects the current down cycle in commodity prices. While there continues to be long-term opportunities in supplying the mining industry in Saskatchewan, newcomers will need to understand current market conditions and provide additional value or solutions to compete with existing suppliers.

High demand for specific goods and services during the recent build appears to have eased.

In addition to the significant ongoing mining operations in the province, there are several mining projects currently under different stages of evaluation.

Supply Chain Opportunities

Opportunities for suppliers exist in both ongoing mining operations as well as new mine development. Examples of the types of equipment, goods and services required for standard operations and development are listed below:

Operating Mines:

 Chemicals and reagents

 Fuels and lubes

 De-dusting oil for potash

 Mobile equipment – trucks, dozers, front-end loaders

 Underground conveyor belting

 Bearings, seals and power transmission parts

 Electrical consumables such as breakers, fuses,  switches and fixtures

 Pipes, valves and related fittings, i.e. PVC, steel and  copper

 Boilers, piping, forged components

 Electronics and instrumentation

 Logistics, handling and storage

 Reagents and environment

 Bulk cement, explosives

 Diesel fuel, propane

 Maintenance parts – mobile equipment

 Computers and telecommunication

 General service


Site Services:


 Waste disposal


 Camp accommodation

 Janitorial services

 Pest control

 Onsite security

 Onsite medical


 Internet and phone

 Storage shelters

Key manufactured goods for new mine development:

 Pumps and piping

 Valves and fittings



 Steel and fabrication


Surface Construction:

 Mill/product storage/

flotation buildings


 Grinding equipment


 Pumps and piping



 Tanks and storage bins


 Bucket elevators



 Overhead cranes


 Fire protection systems

 Process control equipment

 Process chemicals

 HVAC equipment


 Belt scales


 Switch gears

Underground Construction:

 Walking/drill rigs and drill bits

 Ultrasound measurement


 Hoist rope/wire rope



 Electrical equipment

 Hydraulic motors

 Conveyors and components


 Scoop trams

 Limit switches




 Rock drill lifts


 Load and hauling machinery

 Raise bore systems

 Specialized mine vehicles

 Rock tools

 Explosives and suppliers

 Rock drills

Events and Resources

Mining Supply Chain Forum

This annual event provides a venue for mining project, procurement and operations personnel to meet with manufacturing, equipment and service companies to discuss opportunities in the mining supply chain. The forum attracts over 900 participants who represent mining, engineering and supply chain companies. Forum attendees hear presentations delivered by organizations such as Nutrien, BHP Billiton, AREVA, Cameco, Mosaic, SNC Lavalin, AMEC and Hatch. The forum tradeshow also provides attendees with the opportunity to network and connect with mining and engineering companies from across the province. saskmining.ca/Mines-in-Saskatchewan/SaskatchewanMining-Supply-Chain%20-Forum How to Successfully Access the Mining Supply Chain This guide provides key information to Saskatchewan manufacturers interested in understanding the potash and uranium industries. The guide describes opportunities and the process of becoming a successful preferred supplier. The guide also provides insight into the characteristics mining companies look for in suppliers. www.publications.gov.sk.ca/details.cfm?p=81697

Potash Mining Supply Chain Requirement Guide

This report provides information on the types of goods and services required to support the development and operation of both a conventional and a solution mine. It follows through lifecycle stages such as exploration and resource evaluation, through to closure, reclamation and monitoring. www.publications.gov.sk.ca/details.cfm?p=81699 Uranium Mining Supply Chain Requirement Guide This guide outlines the quantity, value and scheduling of supplies and services purchased by Saskatchewan’s uranium mining project owners and/or operators to assist with the development, operation, maintenance, decommission and close out of projects. www.publications.gov.sk.ca/details.cfm?p=81698

Saskatchewan Manufacturers Guide This online database lists a variety of manufacturers in Saskatchewan, searchable by industry, product or location. www.economy.gov.sk.ca/mfgguide

Services We Provide  

Information regarding general supply chain opportunities in the mining industry  Business-to-business support connecting suppliers to buyers

Targeted industry events linking companies to current supply chain opportunities  Resources and support for companies interested in investing in Saskatchewan

For more information, contact:

Ms. Michele Grella

Supply Chain Development

Saskatchewan Ministry of Trade and Export Development

219 Robin Crescent

Saskatoon, SK S7L 6M8

Phone: (306) 933-5751

Fax: (306) 933-8244

Email: michele.grella@gov.sk.ca

For additional information, please visit:  

Saskatchewan Ministry of Trade and Export Development saskatchewan.ca  Saskatchewan Industrial and Mining Suppliers Association (SIMSA) simsa.ca  Saskatchewan Mining Association (SMA) saskmining.ca Square One, Saskatchewan’s Business Resource Centre squareonesask.ca  

Northern Saskatchewan Business Directory northernbusinessdirectory.ca

Starting a new company in Saskatchewan? Company Formations offers fast & easy Saskatchewan Company Incorporation and business registration services to domestic and foreign companies and entrepreneurs wishing to operate in Saskatchewan.

Saskatchewan Incorporation service for Canadian residents
Saskatchewan company registration for non-Canadian residents
Saskatchewan extra-provincial registration for domestic corporations
Saskatchewan Company Registration for foreign companies

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