Corporations A corporation with share capital is the most common form of business entity in Canada and enjoys advantages that make it the most practical form of business organization in most instances. Corporations may also be incorporated without share capital, generally for not-forprofit purposes. A corporation is a separate legal entity, distinct from its shareholders […]
How to Register for the VAT in Canada
All private corporations with a turnover of over 30,000 CAD of taxable supplies per quarter must register for the VAT –referred to as Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) – with Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). In order to register with CRA, corporations must provide the Name, phone number, and the Social Insurance Number […]
Foreign businesses operating in Canada as a Corporations
A corporation is the most common form of legal entity for businesses. Most foreign businesses operating in Canada adopt a corporate form. Because a corporation is a legal entity that is separate and distinct from the shareholders who contribute to the corporation’s capital, generally shareholders are not responsible for the debts, liabilities or obligations of […]
Business Formation in Canada by Non Canadian Residents
One of the threshold issues for a foreign entity to consider when seeking to establish a business in Canada is what form the business should take. The form selected should reflect both operational and tax considerations. The foreign entity will need to determine whether that business should be carried on directly, as a branch of […]
Canada offers global entrepreneurs preferential market access to over 1.5 billion consumers
Canada offers global entrepreneurs preferential market access to over 1.5 billion consumers in 51 countries. Today Canada is the best country to start a new business, offering global entrepreneurs and foreign companies a great number of benefits and business opportunities. Why start a new business in Canada Strong geographic and sectoral clusters (e.g. aerospace, automotive, […]
Canadian Regulations for Non-Canadian Residents Wishing to Register a New Company in Canada
Today many world-leading companies and global entrepreneurs are setting up shop in Canada. Canada is the best country to start a new business today and investors, foreign companies and global entrepreneurs are taking notice. One of the main reasons is because Canada offers global entrepreneurs preferential market access to over 1.5 billion consumers in 51 countries. Global entrepreneurs […]
Incorporate in Canada as a Non-Resident
Canada is today one of the best countries in the world to start a new business. Canada has the lowest overall tax rate on new business investment and lowest business costs in advanced manufacturing and corporate services among G7 nations. Canada also has the lowest business costs in the digital and R&D sectors. Why Start a […]
Canada Number One Most Attractive Country for Entrepreneurs
In our rapidly changing world, there is no better place than Canada to do business. Canada has the lowest average overall tax rate on new business investment in the G7, the strongest economic growth of all of the G7 countries last year, the most highly educated workforce in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, […]
How to form a sole proprietorship
Sole Proprietorships are formed in Canada by filing a statement of sole proprietorship registration with the registry office of the desired jurisdiction of registration. The Registration Process Sole proprietorships are registered in Alberta by filing a Declaration of Trade Name with the Alberta registries office. Step 1: Choose a business name Although there are few […]
Pros of running your business in Canada as a sole proprietorship
Total ownership When you have a sole proprietorship, you’re the sole owner. While you’re liable for all the business’s debts, you’re also entitled to all its income. And when it’s time to make a business decision, you’re not legally required to check with shareholders or partners. Cheap and easy setup It costs zero dollars to […]