Tag Archives | Starting a Business in canada

10 Ways to Strengthen Your Entrepreneurial Mind

Becoming a successful entrepreneur requires learning that goes beyond how to just run numbers and manage finances. As someone who has been an entrepreneur for more than a decade, I can tell you that while these elements certainly play a role, actually doing something significant with your particular business’s numbers requires creativity, leadership ability and […]

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The 1 Question Jeff Bezos Says All Entrepreneurs Should Ask Themselves

If you’re starting a business it’s natural  to look ahead and try to make predictions. How big will this market become? What will customers want in the future? What sort of competition will I have? But according to Jeff Bezos, attempting to predict the future actually isn’t the most important use of an entrepreneur’s time. […]

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Starting A Business At Any Age: What Female Entrepreneurs Need To Know

Although I fall into the millennial demographic, I know women younger and older than myself who have started businesses of their own. While all have achieved some success despite facing certain key challenges, they also have noted some factors related to their age and point in their lives that other female entrepreneurs may want to […]

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Business Formation in Canada

One of the threshold issues for a foreign entity wishing to establish a business in Canada is whether that business should be carried on directly, as a branch of the foreign entity, or should be created as a separate Canadian business organization, such as a subsidiary corporation (with either limited liability or, in some provinces, […]

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