Canada is today one of the best countries in the world to start a new business. Canada has the lowest overall tax rate on new business investment and lowest business costs in advanced manufacturing and corporate services among G7 nations. Canada also has the lowest business costs in the digital and R&D sectors. Why Start a […]
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Canada Number One Most Attractive Country for Entrepreneurs
In our rapidly changing world, there is no better place than Canada to do business. Canada has the lowest average overall tax rate on new business investment in the G7, the strongest economic growth of all of the G7 countries last year, the most highly educated workforce in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, […]
Open your new company in Canada in Only 24 Hours
In this tumultuous world, it can be difficult to seize opportunities and avoid risk. To grow and succeed, global companies need to find an oasis in the chaos. Canada is that place. And investors are taking notice. Every month thousands of companies and global entrepreneurs from all around the world are coming to Canada to […]
Incorporating a new company in British Columbia and Keeping Documents as Part of Your Company’s Records
Once your application is processed and payment received, we will send you the following documents by email or mail (depending on the notification method you selected): The original Certificate of Incorporation A certified copy of the Incorporation Application A certified copy of the Notice of Articles A cover sheet that includes the company’s incorporation number […]
How To Prepare a British Columbia Incorporation Agreement
An incorporation agreement must be signed by each person (incorporator) forming the company. Usually, the incorporators will become the shareholders and directors once the company is incorporated. The agreement becomes part of the company’s records and must contain: The agreement of each incorporator to take one or more shares of the company The signature of […]
Incorporated Companies in British Columbia for Non Canadian Residents
In B.C., incorporation creates a legal entity known as a corporation, commonly referred to as a company. Three types of companies may be created through incorporation: Limited company (most common) Unlimited liability company Community contribution company What Incorporation Means Companies are incorporated in B.C. under the Business Corporations Act. The Act gives incorporated companies: All […]
Discover the advantages of investing in British Columbia
British Columbia, Canada has one of North America’s most competitive, flexible, and supportive business climates. Our vast resources, low taxes, stable and well-regulated financial system and fiscally responsible government attract investment from around the world. British Columbia, Canada is an attractive location to start a business or expand existing operations. A stable, welcoming government has […]
How to register a sole proprietorship in Yukon
Sole proprietorships are registered in Yukon by filing a declaration of a business name with the Yukon registries office. Step 1: Choose a business name Although there are few restrictions on a business name, you should choose your name carefully. Business names: don’t have to be unique; duplicate business names may exist however, if you […]
How to register a sole proprietorship in Saskatchewan
Sole proprietorships are registered in Saskatchewan by filing a Registration of a Saskatchewan Business Name with the Saskatchewan registries office. Step 1: Choose a business name Although there are few restrictions on a business name, you should choose your name carefully. Business names: don’t have to be unique; duplicate business names may exist however, if […]
How to register a sole proprietorship in Prince Edward Island
Sole proprietorships are registered in Prince Edward Island by filing a “Declaration for Registration of a Business Name” with the Prince Edward Island corporate registries office. Step 1: Choose a business name Although there are few restrictions on a business name, you should choose your name carefully. Business names: don’t have to be unique; duplicate […]