A sole proprietorship business revolves around one person. No other parties have an interest in the business. The sole trader is personally liable for all debts. All income earned in the business becomes part of the sole trader’s assessable income. When it comes to choosing a business structure, income tax should be only one of […]
About companyformations
Advantages and disadvantages of operating as a sole trader in Alberta
Inc. or Ltd.: Which sounds better?
Choosing the right structure can have serious consequences for their business. Most entrepreneurs are very creative and they get right in there and pursue a dream, and they do it without thinking about a structure. There are three common forms of business ownership in Canada – a sole proprietorship, which is owned by one person; […]
Starting a Business in New Brunswick, Which Legal Form Is Best for Your Business
When you start a business, you must decide on a legal structure for it. Usually, you’ll choose either a sole proprietorship, a partnership, or a corporation. There’s no right or wrong choice that fits everyone. Your job is to understand how each legal structure works and then pick the one that best meets your needs. […]
Starting a Business in Manitoba, Which Legal Form Is Best for Your Business
When you start a business, you must decide on a legal structure for it. Usually, you’ll choose either a sole proprietorship, a partnership, or a corporation. There’s no right or wrong choice that fits everyone. Your job is to understand how each legal structure works and then pick the one that best meets your needs. […]
Starting a Business in British Columbia, Which Legal Form Is Best for Your Business
When you start a business, you must decide on a legal structure for it. Usually, you’ll choose either a sole proprietorship, a partnership, or a corporation. There’s no right or wrong choice that fits everyone. Your job is to understand how each legal structure works and then pick the one that best meets your needs. […]
Starting a Business in Alberta, Which Legal Form Is Best for Your Business
When you start a business, you must decide on a legal structure for it. Usually, you’ll choose either a sole proprietorship, a partnership, or a corporation. There’s no right or wrong choice that fits everyone. Your job is to understand how each legal structure works and then pick the one that best meets your needs. […]
Tips from Successful Business Owners
You have a great business concept. You’re passionate about your business idea. Now, what does it take to ensure your great idea becomes a successful, thriving business? According to successful businesses, there are a number of key factors that can contribute to the success of a new business. Great Business Concept. Successful business owners agree […]
Is your business protected? 5 insurance needs to consider
Thinking about risks and liability isn’t about doom and gloom: it’s a healthy business practice to protect people, business, and assets. Consider these five common areas of potential insurance needs for small businesses: Thinking about risks and liability isn’t about doom and gloom: it’s a healthy business practice to protect people, business, and assets. Consider […]
8 critical factors that can drive business success
Along with your idea, one of the most important pieces of information in your business plan is the knowledge you gather about the market you’re in, and how well you can demonstrate the financial viability of your idea. Listed below are the top eight critical factors driving entrepreneurial success, as identified from research by the […]
Registering an Extra Provincial Corporation in New Brunswick
If you want to do business in New Brunswick and are incorporated outside of the province, you will need to register your business as an extra-provincial corporation. You need to: Register no later than 30 days after you start doing business in New Brunswick Provide an Atlantic-based NUANS name search report done through a private […]