Archive | Ontario Limited Partnership

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Limited Partnership Structure Proving Attractive to Foreign Investors

Foreign investors considering establishing businesses in Canada increasingly are weighing the merits of structuring their concerns as limited partnerships. A limited partnership (LP) is a partnership among persons carrying on business in common. It is composed of a general partner (or partners) and one or more limited partners. The limited partners benefit from limited liability. […]

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Limited Partnership Registration in Canada For Non-Residents

Foreign investors considering establishing a new business in Canada increasingly are weighing the merits of registering their businesses in Canada as limited partnerships. Ontario Limited partnerships are used by business as a vehicle of choice for many purposes, including as vehicles for the making of venture capital and private equity investments. One of the major […]

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Ontario limited partnership declaration

Limited Partnerships are formed in Ontario by filing the Declaration of Ontario Limited Partnership Registration – Form 3 under the Ontario Limited Partnerships Act. Completing the Ontario Limited Partnership Application Firm Name – Please print the firm name of the limited partnership. The firm name must be set out in BLOCK CAPITAL LETTERS in the […]

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Limited Partnership in Canada for Non-residents

Foreign investors considering establishing a new business in Canada increasingly are weighing the merits of registering their businesses in Canada as limited partnerships. Ontario Limited partnerships are used by business as a vehicle of choice for many purposes, including as vehicles for the making of venture capital and private equity investments. One of the major […]

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